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The Future of Long-Distance Transport with the GPC
In the EU, heavy duty trucks, buses, and coaches emit approximately 25% of all CO2 emissions related to road transport. The urgency and corresponding potential for sustainable innovation are therefore immense.
Gumpert Automobile is already working on a Transporter/ Midsize Truck project supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Economics. Test drives have confirmed the GPC’s capacity to power a Transporter/ Midsize Truck for over 1000km (video) and a rate of consumption of 14.5L/100km Methanol (corresponds to 6.6L/100km Diesel). Therefore, Gumpert Automobile is focusing on the continuous development of the GPC, as well as critical performance indicators in the transport industry such as range, refueling time, and operating costs (TCO).
Green Methanol as Fuel of the Future
To produce green methanol, hydrogen is electrolytically generated from water with renewable energy and then combined with CO2extracted from the environment. Green methanol is liquid and can use the existing fuel distribution infrastructure of fossil fuels, i.e., gas stations, pipelines, and tanks, without significant financial investments. This allows for a rapid replacement of the transport industries fossil fuel dependency without the necessary multi-billion infrastructure investments required by pure hydrogen and/or electric mobility solutions.
The outsized challenges, costs, and risks of distributing, storing, and fueling hydrogen are not present either when using green methanol as a fuel. Green methanol remains liquid under atmospheric pressure conditions and can be used like regular gasoline. Additionally, it is biodegradable and has a considerably greater energy density than hydrogen.

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