Our CO2-neutral Fuel Cell...

This meets the requirements of the logistic industry
Loading-/ Weight capacity
Total cost of ownership
How the Fuel Cell works

Connected with the Gumpert Power Cell (GPC) the high-voltage battery is providing extra power when the vehicle needs temporally more then the average power
and up to 100%, e.g. at acceleration or at gradients. The Gumpert concept is always based on an Battery-Electric-Vehicle (BEV) but requires only a fraction of the battery storage.
The battery is working bi-directional. It spends power when necessary and will be recharged by the GPC when it is drained.
Gumpert Power Cell
The GPC is a part of the powertrain in an electrical vehicle.
It is converting methanol into electricity. The fuel cell’s power class is depending on the vehicle category and the use case.
It is scalable and designed to produce the average performance of the vehicle. That means the fuel cell has a chosen size to
produce around 20-30% of the maximum power of the electrical engines. This enables the GPC to deliver the required power to drive
and lower costs and weight at the same time.
Methanol Tank
The fuel tank contains the methanol – refined hydrogen. Having hydrogen bounded in methanol is the most
energy-dense method to store it, compared to other hydrogen storing concepts. The fuel system is pressureless
and has ambient temperature. This keyfacts allows a simple and cost efficient design, similar to common gasoline tanks.